Results / IDD / Acting master, storyline-player (Мастерский игрок, актер экспромта, сюжетный игротехник)
Position description
A person who can play a role in a game in line with a task set
by chief master. He/she should be able to push a storyline into the
required direction in cooperation with other players. This person
must be able to perform a flamboyant role in a given setting.
Человек в позиции игрока выполняет задачу, поставленную мастером
по разворачиванию сюжета в задуманном мастерами направлении,
подыгрывает другим игрокам, выполняя поставленную задачу. Акцент на
яркое представление образа, удержание роли в предложенном
окружении, предложенных обстоятельствах.
(Относится к театрально-сценарной школе РИ.)
Position competences
Competence | Result / Required |
3815. Extract relevant structured information from unstructured sources | 0.00 / 1 |
3823. To control one's own emotions (self-energizing, self-regulation, a working with resourcefull states) | 1.80 / 3 |
3824. To work in a constantly changing environment under time pressure and in critical circumstances (stress resistance) | 0.60 / 2 |
3825. To switch between several tasks keeping efficiency working simultaneously on several issues | 0.20 / 3 |
3827. To be disciplined, efficiently follow the algorithm and rules, to comply with the given conditions. | 1.20 / 1 |
3842. To speak in a proper, clear, gallant language. To construct arguments. | 0.00 / 1 |
3846. To achieve one's goals through dialogue, to reach an agreement | 0.00 / 1 |
3850. To involve in an activity, to force smbd's action | 0.20 / 2 |
3886. To be sure, to not come under influence, to stand up for own opinion | 0.00 / 3 |
3887. To play a role beautiful and authentically. (roleplaying) (Красиво и антуражно держать театральный образ (отыгрыш)) | 0.20 / 2 |
3924. To shift roles, to adopt behavioral patterns. | 1.40 / 2 |
3933. Be able to transcend limiting behavior patterns and perception (as a resourcefull state) | 1.80 / 2 |
4005. To speak different languages (incl non-verbal) easily switching netween them. | 0.00 / 1 |
4007. To convey an idea and change the mood of an audience using artistic methods. | 0.20 / 2 |
4017. Understanding and usage of metaphors | 1.00 / 1 |
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