Tatyana TregubovaSt. Petersburg
Competences / IDD / 3908. Situational leader
Final result for the competence: ∫ 0.48
(integral result — calculated based on other competences)
Competences used in calculations
Competence | Result / Required |
3822. To extend independence and initiative | 1.00 / 3 |
3829. To formulate an aim and achieve it. | 0.00 / 2 |
3832. To take responsibility, to achieve results. | 0.80 / 3 |
3836. Find resources to fulfill a certain tasks | 1.40 / 1 |
3844. To make overtures, to initiate communication | 1.00 / 2 |
3849. To take and to keep the lead, to have influence with group. | 0.20 / 2 |
3850. To involve in an activity, to force smbd's action | 0.00 / 2 |
3881. To convince, to win over | 0.00 / 3 |
3882. Tactics. Create and curry out a short-term plan of activities. | 0.00 / 2 |
3885. To distribute problems and to control reaching a result, to create an effective distribution of positions in a team | 0.00 / 1 |
3990. Do not give up in the face of difficulties. | 0.33 / 2 |
4046. To be able to act based on ideals and values | 0.00 / 1 |
4047. To act in an ambiguous situation. | 0.00 / 3 |
Marks added directly for this competence
1 mark 1 rater
Role / Competence | Mark |
Comment: Оценка выставлена А.Зыковым | 1×2.0 |
Mark date: 13th April 2015 at 03:24 Role description ... Роль предполагает ясное понимание хода и динамики процесса в группе и деятельное включение в его изменение, соотнесенно с действиями ведущих без предварительного согласования |
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