Vanya NinenkoSt. Petersburg
Competences / IDD / 3916. Assistant of a counselor or a teacher
Final result for the competence: ∫ 1.68
(integral result — calculated based on other competences)
Competences used in calculations
Competence | Result / Required |
3828. To see myself and a situation from the outside, to analize the experience (reflection) | 1.60 / 2 |
3832. To take responsibility, to achieve results. | 2.00 / 2 |
3844. To make overtures, to initiate communication | 2.00 / 1 |
3847. To give a feedback, to crticize usefully, to discuss and to demur reasonably | 1.33 / 3 |
3850. To involve in an activity, to force smbd's action | 1.00 / 2 |
3851. To solve a conflict | 0.33 / 1 |
3854. To help others to solve a problem, to spend one's own time to develope others | 0.60 / 3 |
3879. To provide the execution of rules and instructions, to keep a discipline | 0.00 / 2 |
3884. To be mindfull, attentive to details. | 1.60 / 1 |
3888. To percieve others: their interest, challanges, zone of porximal development | 2.00 / 3 |
3901. To carry out energising group activity (game, drill, etc) | 0.00 / 1 |
3937. To learn methods of a particular approach as a student | 2.00 / 2 |
Marks added directly for this competence
1 mark 1 rater
Role / Competence | Mark |
Comment: Дополнял спикера, предложил к обсуждению собственные тезисы. | 3 |
Activity: C TfR → Открытая встреча “Практики осознанности в образовании. Продолжение” с Виктором Ширяевым 21st December 2016 Mark date: 26th December 2016 at 07:46 Role description ... Роль предполагает предложение формата для участников, объяснение правил, введение "в курс дела",задание границ и оценивания. |
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