Results / IDD / Project manager (Организатор отдельного направления)
Position match: 0%
Position description
A person who can lead a particular project or an event, taking care of all administrative tasks. He/she should be able to organise flow of information between venue, teachers and students. He/she should take care of all the technical issues (food, transport, flipchart, etc)
Человек может взять на себя административные и организационные задачи по конкретному направлению деятельности/проекта/мероприятия. Обеспечивает циркуляцию информации между всеми заинтересованными сторонами, грамотную и своевременную подачу информации, договоренности с площадками, назначение времени и оповещение о встречах. Координирует необходимое обеспечение (организация питания, завоз вещей, доставка участников, наличие и работоспособность нужной техники и т.д.).
Position competences
Competence | Result / Required |
3813. Find relevant data | 0.00 / 2 |
3814. Check reliability of information | 0.00 / 2 |
3815. Extract relevant structured information from unstructured sources | 0.00 / 1 |
3824. To work in a constantly changing environment under time pressure and in critical circumstances (stress resistance) | 0.00 / 2 |
3826. To manage own time, to self-organize to meet deadlines, to plan the activity (self-discipline, self-organization). | 0.00 / 3 |
3832. To take responsibility, to achieve results. | 0.00 / 3 |
3835. Planning. To generate a project plan, to distribute time, tasks and other recources | 0.00 / 2 |
3838. Organize communitcation, to coordinate exchange of information | 0.00 / 3 |
3839. To control project operations, to correct the work accroding to the changing environment | 0.00 / 3 |
3863. To work with documetns (contracts, bills, etc) | 0.00 / 1 |
3882. Tactics. Create and curry out a short-term plan of activities. | 0.00 / 2 |
3884. To be mindfull, attentive to details. | 0.00 / 1 |
3886. To be sure, to not come under influence, to stand up for own opinion | 0.00 / 2 |
3889. To differentiate an output information: what and how to say and what not | 0.00 / 2 |