Alina Kutsenko[Expelled]
Results / IDD / Teacher who designes his course (Преподаватель авторского курса)
Position match: 0%
Position description
A person who can create and conduct a series of classes (no less then 5) that represent a new idea in a certain topic. Those classes should include interactive formats.
Человек разрабатывает и проводит курс занятий (не менее 5, отражающих новый аспект, подход) по определённой теме с использованием интерактивных форматов.
Position competences
Competence | Result / Required |
3819. Create a new idea | 0.00 / 2 |
3822. To extend independence and initiative | 0.00 / 3 |
3869. To use Internet | 0.00 / 1 |
3870. To use basic office software (text, spreadsheets, diagrams) | 0.00 / 1 |
3877. To write a text for a particular purpose (presentation, advertisement, science, etc) | 0.00 / 2 |
3928. Accentuate an aspect ( complex of super-tasks, to which is oriented an educational/gaming approach ) | 0.00 / 3 |
3939. To learn methods of a particular approach as a teacher | 0.00 / 3 |
3967. Skill-trainer [5 int] | ∫ 0.03 / 1 |
3968. To take an active pedagogical standpoint [3 int] | ∫ 0.02 / 2 |
3969. Educational forms master [5 int] | ∫ 0.05 / 2 |
3970. Evaluator [2 int] | ∫ 0.04 / 2 |
4029. To choose individual tasks according to the age and level of the student | 0.00 / 2 |
4032. Combine knoweledge into structured blocks | 0.00 / 3 |
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