Results / IDD / Lecturer-leader (Лектор – ведущий)
Position description
A person able to act before an audience, to keep an attention of
learners. He can get across to people a necessary information.
Finally he is able to keep dialog with audience, to answer
questions, and to initialize an interest to content.
(Человек, умеющий выступать перед публикой/аудиторией, держать
внимание слушателей, доносить необходимую информацию, инициируя
интерес к теме/предмету выступления. Готов отвечать на вопросы,
поддерживая диалог с аудиторией.)
Position competences
Competence | Result / Required |
3821. To share one's worldview, a concept, ideal or value. To be evangelic. To inspire. | 2.33 / 3 |
3823. To control one's own emotions (self-energizing, self-regulation, a working with resourcefull states) | 2.00 / 2 |
3832. To take responsibility, to achieve results. | 2.67 / 1 |
3842. To speak in a proper, clear, gallant language. To construct arguments. | 2.00 / 3 |
3845. To speak in public, to hold the audience , to manage its attention. To engage in productive dialogue. | 2.00 / 3 |
3870. To use basic office software (text, spreadsheets, diagrams) | 1.00 / 1 |
3877. To write a text for a particular purpose (presentation, advertisement, science, etc) | 1.33 / 1 |
3904. To lead others into a resoursefull state | 1.80 / 2 |
4007. To convey an idea and change the mood of an audience using artistic methods. | 1.60 / 1 |
4008. To feel and adress the audience | 1.20 / 2 |
4009. To create a meme, tag line | 1.60 / 2 |
4025. To connect theoretical concepts with personal experience | 0.20 / 2 |
4039. To use technologies for presentation (projector, interactive board, etc) | 0.20 / 1 |
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