Margarita KozhekinaSt. Petersburg
Competences / IDD / 3978. Chief gamemaster [3 интгр]
Final result for the competence: ∫ 1.74
(integral result — calculated based on other competences)
Competences used in calculations
Competence | Result / Required |
3819. Create a new idea | 2.00 / 1 |
3821. To share one's worldview, a concept, ideal or value. To be evangelic. To inspire. | 2.00 / 3 |
3825. To switch between several tasks keeping efficiency working simultaneously on several issues | 1.60 / 3 |
3883. Strategy. Create and carry out a long-term plan of activies. | 0.00 / 2 |
3885. To distribute problems and to control reaching a result, to create an effective distribution of positions in a team | 1.33 / 2 |
3912. To organise effective operation of a nominal group | ∫ 2.00 / 3 |
3914. To work with information | 2.00 / 2 |
3940. Break a complex definition into projections | 2.00 / 1 |
3953. To develop models of "different tensions" and their composition on the game, including the dynamics of the game process | 1.00 / 3 |
3954. Leader of small and medium models [3 int] | ∫ 1.08 / 2 |
3955. Coordinator/organiser/administrator [3 int] | ∫ 1.69 / 1 |
3956. To make casting of players | 0.00 / 2 |
3991. To connect ideas proposed by teammates from different microgroups into one conception. | 1.67 / 2 |
Marks added directly for this competence
1 mark 1 rater
Role / Competence | Mark |
Comment: Понимала, что и где сейчас происходит в игре, вносила корректировки в ход игры, исходя из изменившихся обстоятельств (количество игроков не соответствовало заявленному), распределила локации, вела воркшоп. | 2 |
Mark date: 2nd April 2019 at 08:02 Role description ... |
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