Final result for the competence: ∫ 2.00
(integral result — calculated based on other competences)
Competences used in calculations
Competence | Result / Required |
3823. To control one's own emotions (self-energizing, self-regulation, a working with resourcefull states) | 2.00 / 2 |
3826. To manage own time, to self-organize to meet deadlines, to plan the activity (self-discipline, self-organization). | 2.60 / 1 |
3828. To see myself and a situation from the outside, to analize the experience (reflection) | 2.60 / 1 |
3842. To speak in a proper, clear, gallant language. To construct arguments. | 2.20 / 2 |
3844. To make overtures, to initiate communication | 3.00 / 3 |
3846. To achieve one's goals through dialogue, to reach an agreement | 2.33 / 3 |
3847. To give a feedback, to crticize usefully, to discuss and to demur reasonably | 2.00 / 1 |
3858. To find new partners and clients | 0.00 / 2 |
3860. To create style and image of an organisation or a product | 1.33 / 2 |
3881. To convince, to win over | 2.00 / 2 |
3889. To differentiate an output information: what and how to say and what not | 1.33 / 1 |
3932. Empathy. To perceive the emotional state other person | 2.33 / 2 |
3933. Be able to transcend limiting behavior patterns and perception (as a resourcefull state) | 2.67 / 2 |
4045. To chose means according to one's ethical standards. | 0.20 / 1 |
Marks added directly for this competence
2 marks 1 rater
Role / Competence | Mark |
КонтактерComment: Поддерживает разговор на содержательные темы, отвечает на вопросы, активно задает вопросы по теме | 2×2.0 |
Mark date: 2nd June 2016 at 07:22 Role description ... Роль предполагает ситуативное взаимодействие с людьми,
говорящими на других языках. Владение языком на уровне бытового
дружеского общения
Создатель внешних связей | 2×2.0 |
Mark date: 31st January 2016 at 18:00 Role description ... Позиционирует деятельность мастерской для окружающего мира.
Формирует связи, позволяющие реализовывать проекты мастерской и
отдельных групп студентов из мастерской. Создает содержательные
деятельные связи с профессионалами в области специализации данной
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